Category: Communication Toolkit


A gift from Yoga: a specific hand position to smooth out your abilities to communicate clearly. Bring the tip of your thumb to the tip…

drawing of MasonJar Soothie


Allow yourself permission to take time alone. ‘Turtle In.’ Pamper yourself. Nourish yourself with tenderness and care. What feeds you? A hot bath, a cup…

Gurmukhi calligraphy in green and blue watercolor crayon


“Listen deeply, trust what you hear,” Guru Nanak invited over 500 years ago in his epic poem, Japji Sahib. If communication has four basic aspects…

calligraphy with looping red and magenta design


Listening: the essential, yet often overlooked aspect of communication. Listen to BOTH what’s easy to hear – a favorite song, a loved one’s voice, wind…


It seems so simple, doesn’t it? How many times have you heard, “Just take a breath!” From one of Thich Nhat Hanh’s books (either Anger…